Editorial: May 2024

Image for Editorial: May 2024

Prayer invites God to act. “By your fervent prayers of faith you can move the arm that moves the world” (The Review and Herald, April 23, 1889).

Further, “Prayer and faith will do what no power on earth can accomplish. . . . It is a part of God’s plan to grant us, in answer to the prayer of faith, that which He would not bestow did we not thus ask” (My Life Today, p. 15). So, when you pray, ask in faith. Believe God and trust Him.

This issue is flavored by many articles on prayer.

Exercising her faith, Lina Aleman prayed to the God of all creation, and one of His creatures obeyed His voice in answer to her request (p 26). And when a village leader prohibited a planned evangelistic crusade, God provided an alternate location in response to the prayers of church members (Machu p. 40).

With prayer sustaining their lives and work, Ama missionaries Keren and Orion Lawrence learned that fellow missionaries on another project felt burdened to lift their project in prayer during a morning AFM prayer meeting, and God intervened multiple times that day (p. 28). In response to fervent prayers on the Himadri project, God not only guided two recent midwifery graduates in the delivery of their first baby but found a loving home in which to place the child (Patel p. 24).

Elaine Brizendine exemplified the meaning of prayer warrior. She fostered the same love for prayer in her son, Sean Brizendine. Her faithful prayers moved Sean’s heart at a young age, and God subsequently led Sean into the ministry and, soon, to the Ama project (p. 23).

As God moves on your heart to support AFM missionaries, can you trace the action God took in answer to your petitions? How will you pray for them next?
Invite God to act. Pray fervently.

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