Editorial: November 2024

Image for Editorial: November 2024

“Thank you!”

AFM missionaries, donors and staff smile when they hear these words, whether in response to small acts of kindness throughout the day or when uttered with deep gratitude for a sacrificial act.

Jesus has invited our frontline workers to spend their lives impacting their Father’s business as thank-you-makers: satisfying hunger and thirst, visiting those who are alone and neglected, providing medical care and basic needs, and pointing people to Christ. Further, they give direction to the lost, warning them of danger and sharing the love of Jesus with souls desperately seeking God’s love.

Thank you, missionary partners, for the love that you pour out on our missionaries and the unreached and for joining us in being about our Father’s business, ultimately returning to Him the gift of love that He lavished upon us.

Gratitude fills the books of heaven even if we must — whether frontline workers, office support or missionary partners — wait to hear those words from the lips of our Heavenly Father. “To the extent that you did it for one of the least of these brothers or sisters of Mine, you did it for Me” (Matthew 25:40 NASB).

Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift — Jesus Christ! 

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