
So what brings you to Florida?” Enid asked as her clippers buzzed around the side of my head.

“My family and I are missionaries in Cambodia, and we are visiting one of our supporting churches,” I replied.

Typically when I need a haircut I search out the nearest barber. But this particular evening no barber shops where open, so I had settled for a regular hair salon. Enid, the hairdresser, was from Bolivia and had immigrated to the States several years earlier to escape the deepening political crisis in her home country. She came from an educated family with several members in politics and local government and also connected to the opposition. Most of them had followed her lead and headed to the U.S. as well.

As we walked to the front desk to pay the bill, the conversation turned spiritual. “What church are you with?” she asked.

“I’m a Seventh-day Adventist,” I replied. “Being from Bolivia, you are probably Catholic?”

“I was raised a Catholic, but I decided to read the Bible for myself and decided I had to leave the church,” she replied. As Enid continued telling me about her spiritual journey, I was impressed with her devotion and commitment to follow truth.

God kept Enid in my mind that week, so a few days later I decided to leave her a gift. Unfortunately she wasn’t in the salon when I dropped off a copy of The Great Controversy, so I left it with her assistant with a little note of thanks. A few days later I received a text from Enid. “I have received a double blessing. One, for having the honor of serving you, and two, for the gift from your hands. Thank you so much! It means more than you can imagine! I’m starting to read it right now.”

Please join me in praying for Enid as she continues to follow God one step at a time.

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