Euro-Asia Retreat

Image for Euro-Asia Retreat

“This is the best conference I’ve ever attended. I am so pleased that we had so much dedicated time for prayer.” This was just one of the comments we received at the end of our Euro-Asia Conference and Spiritual Retreat.
After months of planning, 12 families gathered for a time of training and spiritual renewal. We were all excited to hear and share what had been accomplished since we last met three years ago. It was clear that God has been using our missionaries in their fields of labor. Our team in Turkey has developed a good range of print and audio materials. They described the features they plan to incorporate into a website that will reach people throughout Turkey and hopefully in places like Germany where millions of Turks live.
In Ireland, the power of networking has resulted in some wonderful opportunities to witness, and many Irish people are finding freedom and fulfillment as they study the word of God. In one city, negotiations are currently underway to lease property that will serve as a center for people to come and interact in a neutral environment to discuss health and spiritual issues.
In Albania there have been more requests for baptism. The Martinson family in Greece has received many requests for books through their websites.
Missionaries working in creative-access countries were also able to share. At the end of every project report we had a time of prayer expressing our praise and thanks to God for what He has accomplished through our missionaries. We also prayed for each family.
All our missionaries face challenges, so we set aside time later in the week to pray for these issues and for more laborers for the harvest field. Our focus was on God who is able to do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Eph 3:20).
Petras Bahadur from the Adventist Muslim Relations department of the General Conference gave several informative and enlightening presentations. Janos Kovacs-Biro, the director of Evangelism and Church Planting for the Trans-European Division joined us for the last weekend. He shared some of the innovative approaches Adventists in Europe are using to impact their secular communities, and we prayed for our brothers and sisters in those countries.
Presentations on stress and burnout by Graham and on third-culture-kid syndrome by Brenda Mays resonated with the attendees. Six DVD presentations on Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas gave a new meaning to the purpose of marriage. Conrad Vine and Marc Coleman shared devotional and worship thoughts specifically tailored to the missionary context. They challenged and uplifted us, giving the attendees renewed vision and courage for the task ahead.
“Hurry up, Mum! We need to get to our afternoon program!” With comments like that from young children who want to get out of the swimming pool to go inside for a program, you know they are having a great time! Pastor Ken Morrison and his wife Robin certainly proved they have a passion for children’s ministry. The younger children learned a great deal as they considered the topic Soldiers of Light and learned health principles from “Dr. Eastward,” Pastor Ken’s puppet. It was amazing to see their recall as they shared with the adults on Sabbath morning. A truly international flavor was added by Ken and Robin’s helpers—Daniel from the UK, Kate from Greece and Sabina from Albania.
“Did you plan our program, Aunty Pauline?” asked one of the older boys on the second day.
“No, I let Emily do that,” I responded. “She shared with me what she was planning, and I thought it looked great.”
“You made a good choice!” was his enthusiastic comment. Emily, a short-term missionary, was a great hit with our older children. She was ably assisted by Joseph Philpott, a young theology student from the UK, who has been involved in church planting in the north of England.
Three years ago, we had several student missionaries in our territory to help with the kids’ program. However, this time we only had one, so I had been praying for more than a year that God would guide us to the right leaders and helpers. My faith was tested as the date of the conference drew nearer and I still needed leaders and helpers. As usual, God had everything in hand, and the children had an excellent spiritual, educational and fun time. My prayer was answered in ways I could not have imagined!
Thank you for the investment you have made in each of our AFM workers in the Euro-Asian field. Please pray for these families’ spiritual, physical, mental and social health. Pray for their safety as they work in countries that are unfriendly to the Gospel. Pray that God will guide them to people whose hearts the Holy Spirit is already preparing. Pray for great kingdom growth, and pray for more laborers in the harvest field. Your prayers, gifts and friendship are making an eternal difference.

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