Falling Away

Image for Falling Away

In our last article, we shared about the opening of our new grade school. This has been a big leap forward for the work here. Satan has been fighting back and working overtime to thwart other areas of our ministry. Sadly, Kaak has come under his fire recently.

I have heard it said that the first people who come into the church are usually the ones most likely to fall away. We have prayed this wouldn’t be the case with Kaak. However, at this point, Kaak has chosen to stop coming to church and to return to spirit worship.
It all started a few months ago when her daughter Gam, now 17, wanted to attend an Adventist school in a neighboring province. She had struggled to make this decision, so we all rejoiced with her when she finally made up her mind.

Gam went down and passed her entrance exam for grade 10. After the exams there was a week-and-a-half break before school started, so she came back home. The morning that Gam was to go to school, I met her and her mother at the taxi station. They had a young man from the village with them. I didn’t think anything of it.
Two days later, Cara received a phone call from the school saying that Gam wanted to return home. The story slowly unfolded. Gam had been dating the young man without her parents’ consent. When she left, he started drinking alcohol and said he wouldn’t stop until she returned to be with him. Her mother told her to stay in school, but Gam’s heart had already fallen for the young man, and she decided to return home.

Shortly after Gam’s return, the young man asked for her hand in marriage, and Chumpri agreed. This put Kaak in a difficult position. If she didn’t offer the appropriate animal sacrifices for the wedding, she would be blamed the next time someone in the village got ill or died. She was under great pressure to stop going to church and return to worshiping the spirits. Sadly, the pressure was stronger than her faith in God, and she gave in.

This chain of events has been very challenging for Kaak and for us as well. All we can do is continue to pray for her and her family. We still work to keep up our friendship with Kaak, but Kaak doesn’t open up to Cara like she used to. We are praying that Kaak will give her heart back to Jesus and will be strengthened as a result of this experience. Please join with us in praying for Kaak, Chumpri and their children. Thank you!

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