Footprints of the Enemy

It’s no surprise to find the footprints of the enemy in Albania. Sadly, his efforts to kill, steal, and destroy the Albanian people are all too evident. However, we’ve also seen the hand of God, who seeks to save, heal, and restore His Albanian children. Many of you have joined us in prayer for these people and for God to direct us to key individuals here in Berat. He has been answering that prayer from the first day we arrived here.

In order to get a bank account opened or even to stay in the country longer than 20 days, we are required to obtain a residency visa, which is no small task. It requires getting documents from agencies, trips to the American embassy in the capital city, getting papers translated, copied, and notarized, and obtaining a one-year rental contract, which is a challenge in a city with severe housing shortages. Then we must go to the police station and speak to the chief of police who decides whether or not we get our residency visa. If needed, we can apply to the police chief for a 15-day extension to stay in the country. Needless to say, this man is a key person.

On a visit to Vlora to visit the Hendrickson and Wilcox families, Sean went to the bank with Stan and was able to open an account without a residency visa because Stan vouched for him. Brenda came in to sign some papers and got chatting with the bank official who mentioned that she has a brother in Berat. She phoned him to ask him to help out her new American friends. Of course, he just happens to be the chief of police in Berat! There have been many such blessings.

We were given a 30-day extension, and then the Lord led us to some new friends who helped us find the home God had picked out for us. It’s an old traditional house in excellent shape in the old Muslim quarter of Mangalem. We have to climb a walking path up a steep hillside to get to it, but it’s wonderful exercise! God knows just what we need.

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