Frost and Fern

Frost, age 11, and Fern, age 8, are sisters. They used to live with their grandma just a short walk down the road from our learning center. They regularly attended our after-school and Kids Church programs for about three years, and their grandma would come for worship and Bible study most Friday evenings. They loved to sing songs with the other kids on Sabbath morning. They also liked to do Bible crafts with Teacher Tonya and listen to Teacher Ming read them Bible stories.

Then one night last year, an older uncle in the family went into a drunken rage and nearly killed a younger uncle in their grandma’s home. Shortly after this incident, their mother decided to move. She took Frost and Fern to a remote farming village near the Mekong River to live with their father, who had recently been released from jail. Their home is now about 100 kilometers away from our learning center.

We have made the trip to visit Frost and Fern a few times in the last year, traveling over some very rough roads and dirt tracks, made even worse during the rainy season, to take them learning materials and books. Our sons, Justus and Jon Marc, joined us once to play with them, and the girls were so excited.

A few months ago, we heard from Frost’s and Fern’s mother that the girls’ school had been closed indefinitely due to the ongoing pandemic in Thailand, cutting them off from their teachers and friends. Learning that, Teacher Tonya prepared a large packet of fun learning activities for them, and I purchased a copy of a beautifully illustrated Thai children’s Bible. Then, because it was the rainy season, Teacher Ming and I went by motorcycle one Sabbath afternoon to deliver everything to the girls. Frost and Fern were delighted to see us, and their mother thanked us repeatedly for making the trip and not forgetting about her daughters.

We invite you to donate or make a pledge of support so we may continue to reach out to children and families in our corner of Thailand, showing them how much God loves them.

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