Furlough Thoughts

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Our recent furlough was such a blessing for our family. Here are the highlights from everyone in their own words.

I enjoyed riding my bicycle the most this furlough. I rode it to the edge of the driveway, bumping into the big pile of snow and flipping over the handlebars. I also enjoyed the lawnmower and the tractor at Gene and Lynn’s place. It was hard picking the dirt up. I also enjoyed pulling Grandpa on the tractor. I drove with the little pedal tractor and pulled Grandpa on his big tractor. I also liked all the driving we did this furlough. Grandpa and Grandma let us borrow their van, and it had a DVD player in it. Really, I liked everything about our furlough. It was fun going to America.

I liked getting a new bicycle for Christmas and getting to ride it. At the end of furlough, Daddy took off the training wheels and taught me how to ride it like a big girl! I also liked celebrating Christmas and my birthday and opening my presents.

On furlough, I learned what my collar bone is. I broke my collar bone when we were in Berrien Springs. When I was in the hospital, they gave me a popsicle. I rode to the hospital lying down in the back of a van (ambulance). I also enjoyed riding on the tractor at Aunt Jackie’s house.

The highlight of my furlough was being born! I got to meet my grandpas and grandmas for the first time. I enjoyed my dinners, naps and having my diapers changed. Daddy and Mommy are proud that I was such a good boy when we rode in several airplanes. I hardly ever cried.

I really enjoyed the time with family and friends. It was great to re-connect. In a lot of ways, we were able to pick up where we left off last time and continue growing those relationships. It was so nice being able to carry on a conversation in which we all spoke the same language and understood the jokes! I enjoyed getting a whiff of diesel smoke as Dad started up the family tractor one chilly November morning. Getting to drive a four-wheeler was a treat. I also enjoyed getting to visit our supporting churches and sharing what God has been doing on the Pnong Project. It was refreshing and rejuvenating to talk with donors and prayer warriors, our support team. I want to say a big thank-you to each one who helped make this furlough special. Thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your financial support that enables us to continue serving our Pnong brothers and sisters.

Furlough was wonderful. I enjoyed watching the kids take swimming lessons, delivering our baby in a Western hospital, paying reasonable prices for Cheerios, speaking in my native tongue, and being with family around a Christmas tree. However, I was strangely aware that my cultural perspective is shifting. I enjoyed the wonderful carpet under my feet and the cleanliness of our apartment, yet I missed leaving our house doors wide open and enjoying warm breezes. I enjoyed getting to talk with well-educated doctors who spoke my language, but I missed the simplicity of being able to go to the corner pharmacy and buy Flagyl to cure my giardia without a lab test or prescription. I enjoyed seeing family and friends again, but I wondered how Kaak was doing—if she was going to church, and if they had enough money for food this year. I felt more confused about where to call home—Cambodia, Nebraska or Colorado? The longer we are in the mission field, the more I realize that my only true home is heaven. In heaven, there won’t be any more goodbyes. I won’t have to worry about whether I will see people again. There won’t be any more furloughs because I will be home for good. I can’t wait for that day!

Furlough Highlights:

Time spent with family.
Time to relax and go fishing.
Roasting hot dogs.
Autumn’s broken collar bone.
Alex’s birth.
Hanging out with friends.
Talking with donors on the phone.
Christmas and Thanksgiving with family.
Visiting supporting churches.
Sharing what God has been doing for the Pnong.
Spiritual rejuvenation.
Fellowship with people who speak our language.
Watching snow fall.
Driving in the snow.
Sledding and playing in the snow.
Looking at Christmas lights with friends.
A doctor’s generous help when Cara threw her back out.
Having a minivan to drive.
Help with outfitting our apartment.
Good health.
Finding treasures at secondhand stores.
Eating at Taco Bell.
Driving down the interstate without having any motor scooters, water buffalo or dogs crossing our path.
Getting real family pictures taken.

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