Game Night

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“On your mark, get set, go!” “Oh, slow down! I still haven’t played any from my Blitz pile!” “Blitz!” These exclamations rang out over and over in our living room.
It was New Year’s Eve, and we had invited several people from church over to our house to get together and play games. The young people brought friends with them. Joshua brought three of his medical-school friends, and Anna brought two of her high-school friends. Dutch Blitz was the game of the evening. At one point, about 12 people were playing. We all chatted and laughed together as we munched on veggies and homemade dip, sandwiches, and savory and sweet popcorn. We all had so much fun that we decided to make it a monthly event where people from church could come and invite their friends as well.
The church here in Khon Kaen meets in Pastor Wanlop’s home. Earlier this year, members did some painting, decorating and reorganizing to make the house more suitable for church services, but many people are still hesitant to invite friends there on Sabbaths.
By hosting a monthly social night at our house, we hope to give members an opportunity to invite their Buddhist friends to a place where they can meet other people from their church and hopefully become interested in the God we serve. We also see this as an opportunity to show our younger friends ways to have fun without compromising Christian values. Since most of their friends are Buddhist, it would be very easy for them to slip into alcohol, drugs and other harmful activities.
We pray that our witness for Jesus will be clear and compelling, and that our home will soon be the meeting place for small groups studying about Him. Please pray for our Khon Kaen team as we all seek to share Jesus among these precious people.

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