God’s Hand in the Mundane

As the wind howled and the thunder exploded like a canon, I lay awake on my bed marveling at the magnificence of the storm.  The next morning I discovered that the storm had claimed the life of a tree, a power line, and our wireless internet connection.  After calling our ISP and explaining the problem we were told that they would get back with us.  A couple of days went by, still no internet, and no word from the ISP.  Finally on Friday afternoon we received a phone call from a maintenance person who was on his way to our house to fix the problem.  I was thankful, but a little nervous that he may not find our house; 45 minutes later I received a call stating that they could not find the house.  I tried again to explain where we were, hoping that he could understand my English, and then we lost signal.  I quickly raced to the security guard at the entrance of the Mission compound and asked if he had seen a 3BB truck drive by, no sooner did I ask the question then I saw it driving up! 

This past week I have been reminded again and again of how intimately God is involved in even the seemingly mundane details of our lives.  Although Thailand is not a difficult place to live, we are still confronted with daily challenges due to language barriers and other factors.  Later that evening we had planned to meet a non-Christian friend for sundown vespers at the International Church, five minutes away from our house.  I had offered to meet her at the BTS Sky Train station, but was told that she was confident she could find the church.  Because the church is located on a High School campus with no real visible sign, I felt slightly apprehensive.  Before Cindi and I left for the program, we prayed that our friend would find everything okay, and lo and behold as we were walking to church, the motorcycle taxi that she had taken drove right by us, and our friend quickly got off and greeted us.  Another evidence of God’s intimate involvement in our lives!

I know these stories may not sound big and grand, and could be considered merely coincidental, however I take comfort from them knowing that while we bumble around trying to navigate in a new cultural setting, the Lord is not only going before us, but coming along beside us and behind us to provide help and to make up for our deficiencies.  The following week my teammate, Danielle K. and I were on our way to the bus station to catch a bus to Khon Kaen to attend a meeting with our partners Ricardo and Alicia Palacios; we got to the station around 1:50, just in time to purchase tickets, use the restroom and catch the 2:00 pm bus!  Two days later after returning from Khon Kaen I was crossing the street to catch a taxi, there were cars stopped for me to pass by, and as I passed them and arrived at the shoulder of the road, a motorcycle whizzed past narrowly avoiding making contact with me.  As I jumped back, again I sensed the Lord looking out for me, watching over my shoulder, protecting me. 

Our work continues to go forward, yesterday in church I talked with the women’s ministry leader and we tentatively set a date, July 28, to do a Thai Cooking school that we can invite language school classmates to.  Please pray for this endeavor as we hope to use this as a bridge to build stronger relationships.  We covet your prayers, appreciate all of your support, and feel blessed to serve a God who is so involved in our life and ministry.  May each one of you experience new evidences of His watch care over you!

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