Gospel Memory Cards

Several nights ago, Neil stayed up until 11 p.m. copying files onto MicroSD memory cards. What was he copying and why? To answer those questions I need to take you back several years. As many longtime AF readers know, our family is not the first to have worked on the AFM Malinke Project. Phillip and Naomi Polley pioneered the project here in Mali, and their teammates, Homer and Debbie Curry, worked beside them for a number of years.

One of the fruits of the Currys’ time in Mali was a set of dramatized Bible in Living Sound (BLS) stories recorded in Bambara, the heart language of our people group. These 293 stories are an incredible resource, covering from creation all the way to the end of the Gospels. For some time, we have struggled to figure out how to make use of their potential. We had them in CD and MP3 format, and we knew there had to be a way to put them into the hands of interested individuals.

Recently, the Lord led us to the answer, and it is very simple. People here love their cell phones and tend to use them as much for listening to music as for making calls. Neil has been able to buy inexpensive 4 GB MicroSD cards and has been loading them with all the BLS stories. The stories take up about half the space on the cards, leaving about 2 GB free for people to use as they desire. Neil has been able to share the cards with a number of individuals so far, and we look forward to seeing what fruits result.

We are thankful for the hard work of the missionaries who came before us and for our faithful supporters. Please continue to pray for the people who have received these memory cards. As they listen to the stories of God’s love, we pray that they will desire to experience His love for themselves.

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