
“Where are you going? What are you doing? How much was your scarf? Have you eaten rice yet?” These are the questions used as greetings in Cambodia. In language class, we learned a hello-type greeting, but it is used mostly by foreigners. We rarely hear locals saying hello to each other. If I say hello, they often look at me quizzically and then reply as if I’d asked them what they were doing, telling me they are going to the market or coming from work.

One of the favorite topics of conversation is how much any and all articles you posses cost. At first, this was hard for us. Like most Westerners, we are rather private about our assets. We didn’t think it was any of their business how much our camera, beds, books, skirts, etc. cost, let alone how much our monthly salary is. But as time went by, we began to join in, and we found it didn’t feel quite as intrusive. No one minds when we ask, “How much?” In fact, they love it!

Another thing that I’m still getting used to is being surrounded by people. At first, I felt pressure to entertain, feed and keep up conversation. But then it hit me: They didn’t need to be entertained, fed or talked to constantly. Many visitors were content simply to watch me wash laundry, bake bread, do dishes, etc. When I’d try to start a conversation, they’d often just grunt, clearly not caring to chat. They made themselves at home and played with the kids, looked at our magazines and books or played our piano. They simply lived with us for a while. When they left, they’d go and live in another house for while.

I was relieved to realize that I’m not expected to stop whatever I am doing every time someone drops by. Life goes on as usual. And what an opportunity to be a light! Our life as usual includes worship and singing; teaching, disciplining and praying with our children; cooking healthful vegetarian meals; and reading Bible picture books that our children show their friends. It is a wonderful opportunity, but it is challenging to live so publicly on days we feel tired or impatient.

Please pray that God will shine through our family and that we will be faithful representatives of the King of kings in our daily lives.

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