Healing Stories

“When we gather the courage to examine our past, and develop the ability to reflect on and then tell our own stories in a clear and coherent way—where we are neither running from the past nor becoming preoccupied with it—we can begin to heal from our past wounds. In doing so, we rewire our brains so we can better enable our children to form a secure attachment with us, and that solid relationship will become a source of resilience throughout their lives.”
The Power of Showing Up by Daniel J. Siegel M.D. and Tina Payne Bryson

“Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you” (Mark 5:19).
I have come to believe that finding a healing path that leads to wholeness is functionally impossible until we can tell our story. Why? Because as research shows, developmental trauma actually damages or inhibits growth in the parts of the brain that need to develop so that we can tell a coherent story, either about ourselves, or about anyone or anything else.

So why is this knowledge relevant to church planting and discipleship?
As we work to develop and support local church planting leaders, we want them to be able to tell their stories and share God’s story with others. We want them to be able to teach others to do the same. We can see from years of experience that until people are supported to practice courage in confronting their past so that they can reconcile that reality with their newfound faith in Jesus, it is very difficult to grow or be resilient when facing challenges in life.

Knowing this, we have the responsibility first to examine our pasts so that we can heal from our wounds. Then, we can practice patience, get curious and create spaces for others to find a path of healing from the trauma that has been blocking them from being able to tell their stories.

We believe that God deeply desires all human beings, old and young, to find the freedom to be able to tell their stories. Please continue to pray that one day, all the Isan Thai people of northeast Thailand will experience the healing freedom of sharing their stories.

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