Hidden Potential

What do a prostitute, a murderer, a cheater, an argumentative, hot-headed common laborer and a demon-possessed person all have in common? Church growth — the rampant spread of the gospel! I know these characters are not what we would consider prospective kingdom builders, but their stories are permanently recorded in the Word of God as a witness that God grows His kingdom through the most unlikely characters.

The Bible contains story after story of God doing extraordinary things through ordinary, often broken people. He used a disobedient prophet to bring an idolatrous city to repentance. He made a chronically deceptive man into the father of faith. He inspired a murderer to author most of the New Testament. Almost all of God’s chosen instruments would have been considered unqualified by human standards, but by His transforming, empowering Spirit, they accomplished surprising results!

We humans are very poor judges of potential. In John 4:35, Jesus told his disciples, “Do you not say, ‘There are yet four months, and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look on the fields, that they are white for harvest.’” The disciples did not see the woman at the well as ripe and ready for the harvest. They saw a raw, unpromising person and were quick to pass her by. However, Jesus saw in that woman a precious, influential soul and He invested in her with city-wide, redeeming results.

Who around you could bring the next gospel breakthrough? Do not try to predict or select the one who looks promising. Have faith in the power of God! Ask Him for the eyes of Jesus and invest in every willing disciple.

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