I Saw a King!

My heart was racing, and adrenaline surged through my veins. I could not believe it. I had seen a king!
Driving down the red dirt road mid-morning towards the Pnong Project school, we saw something slithering ahead of us, taking up about two thirds of the road. I begged Arnold to stop so I could get a picture. As he hit the brakes, we both yelled because the snake reared its head up about three feet off the ground and then spread its hood. Our eyes locked for a split second with the largest species of venomous snake in the world, a king cobra! Before I could even get my phone opened, he disappeared into the dry grass of the field.

We both praised God that this experience happened while we were inside a truck, and the serpent was outside. Often, we have walked that same road.

Reflecting on my reaction that day makes me wonder how I will react when I see our soon-coming King in the clouds! Will I hold my breath in awe? Will I tremble at His glory? Will I be ready to meet Him? I pray I will be, and I pray that you will, too.

Instead of showing you a picture of a reptile, I would rather share with you a photo of a new brother in Christ. His family was united in baptism while we were visiting the Pnong Project. This made my heart sing with joy!

What a glorious day it will be when you get to meet these precious Pnong families who are now, along with you, looking forward to seeing the one and only true King!

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