I want to go home!

“I want to go home! I want to go home!” our daughter Hope cried as we were tucking her into bed. We were on our way to Michigan for summer training and had stopped in Tennessee to visit family and friends for the weekend. After a day there, Hope had begun to realize we were not in Texas near everything familiar anymore. It is very difficult to hear your child crying, “I want to go home!” Robbie and I looked at each other with tears in our eyes knowing this was just the first of many transitions Hope will face.

Leaving family and friends is difficult, but we look forward to meeting our Northern Khmer brothers and sisters and helping them get to know Christ. Bringing our child with us through transitions and stress is heartbreaking at times, but we look forward to seeing how her cross-cultural experiences will broaden her worldview. We are excited that Hope has this opportunity to be a missionary with us.

Despite these difficulties in transitioning—not just for Hope, but for us as well—we know the ultimate reward is far greater than the sacrifices. We have faith that our discomfort as we leave all that is familiar will one day pale in comparison with the joy we have in seeing many Northern Khmer people accept Christ and begin walking with Him. As a family, we look forward to seeing many of our Northern Khmer brothers and sisters crying out to Jesus, “I want to go home!” Please join with us in your prayers and support so this will soon become a reality, because honestly, I, too, want to go home!

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