Are we finally going to Papua New Guinea?

“Is it true, Daddy? Is it really true?” asked Abby. “Are we finally going to Papua New Guinea?” “Yes,” John replied. “God has answered our prayers and completed our fundraising so we can finally go.”

“Can we go today?” begged Alissa.

“Not so quickly, girls. There is still a lot of planning to do.”

“Oh! We can hardly wait!” they chorused, and both girls began making plans of their own.

“I’m going to get a parrot,” said Alissa.

“I can’t wait to ride in a dugout canoe,” said Abby.

“Do you know why I’m so excited?” said Alissa. “I can’t wait to meet our new friends in Papua New Guinea. I want to tell the Ama children about Jesus and what heaven is like. Then they will have the chance to join us in heaven and meet our friends from America, like Gracie.”

“Yeah!” said Abby. “We can all meet under the Tree of Life and gather fruit together to take to Jesus.”

As the girls continued to make plans about their new life, my list of things to do before we go didn’t seem so pressing anymore. “Dear Lord,” I prayed. “Thank You for giving me peace about our future, and thank You so much for family and friends who have stepped out in faith with us to reach the Ama with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” —

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