God is Our Refuge and Strength

“Hurry girls, I want to get to church early to set up for our mission presentation,” John said.

As we rushed out the door, Alissa suddenly stopped. “Wait! I need my purse,” she said. Knowing we were in a hurry, I hesitated. “Please, Mommy! My tithe is in it.” I hurried in to find it, and then we were on our way.

It wasn’t the little purse that was important to Alissa, it was the gift she wanted to give back to Jesus. As she placed her tithe in the offering plate, I beamed at her with pride.

Later that evening after vespers, we were following friends to a gymnastics program. As they took the ramp leading to the Pennsylvania Turnpike, I realized the only money we had brought that day had gone into the offering plate. I voiced my concern, and Abigail replied, “Mommy, you don’t have to worry, because Jesus always provides our needs.” As we approached the toll booth, I was still worrying about what we would do when Alissa spoke up. “Mommy you can have my savings to pay for the toll.” God had already made a way for us by softly reminding Alissa to bring her purse that morning.

What an awesome God we have who cares for all our needs! “Therefore I say unto you, Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than meat, and the body than raiment?” (Matt. 6:25).

As we live among the Ama people, we will feel comforted knowing that God is our refuge and strength, and that many of our family and friends will be lifting us and our mission up in prayer. Thank you again for faithfully giving and praying for the Ama people.

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