
For three years, Inece mumbled and muttered, ranted and raved, and talked nonsense continually. He didn’t sleep at night, and he was a nuisance to the rest of his family. There was no peace in the household.

One day Fidel decided to visit the homes of the people who had been coming to the group near Cobly that had been meeting for several months. On arriving at Inece’s house, he found him mumbling and muttering and making a general racket. Inece’s brother Mark had been attending the group for several months and had given his life to God.

Fidel started by praying for Mark and his house, that God would send away the evil spirits. He then laid hands on Inece and ordered the demons to leave him in the name of Jesus. When he finished praying, Inece became calm and quiet and stopped his ranting. Fidel then heard the Holy Spirit tell him that there were spiritual objects buried in the ground around the house, so he told the family that they needed to get rid of those items.

At the next meeting, Inece was there with Mark, both listening intently. When the call went out for anyone who would like to give their lives to Jesus, Inece was one of the first to stand up. When he was asked about his decision, he responded “How can I not follow Him who has delivered me and saved me from my demons?” His life was changed. He had been healed, and he no longer ranted and raved and muttered. God had freed another of Satan’s captives and put them on the path to life. This week they will work on getting all of the objects out of the house that are dedicated to Satan. Please continue to pray for all the new groups we have started. Pray for their protection against Satan’s attacks, and pray that they will continue to be strong in the faith of Jesus.

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