Keep on Pressing

Another week came to a close in our village, leaving our team members weary after the endless toil.

The leadership development training had been well received by all the staff members, and we could hear their discussions from the adjacent office. The staff learned about spiritual maturity and how to overcome the lies of the devil. Practical ideas were shared, and all were blessed.

Team-building exercises followed the spiritual discussions. For one exercise, two strips of wood were placed parallel to each other, and sections of rope, about waist height, were studded along the length of each board. Four people had to stand front to back with their left feet on one board and their right feet on the other, holding the ropes and coordinating their movements to ‘ski’ in unison across the ground from one end of the space to the other. With fun, laughter and cheers, they all made it to their final destination.

Teachers prepared their classrooms for the upcoming new school year. They cleaned and rearranged the desks, organized their spaces, and carefully planned their grading formulas and lesson plans.

During the evenings, a round of volleyball eased the stress of the day.

In another village, team members conducted Bible studies, performed house cleansings and developed leaders. While addressing project issues, we also engaged in personal ministry and had lunch and dinner dates with new friends and old.

We continue to see God’s blessings as we press together as a team. Often, though, we fall into the temptation of seeing God’s miracles as part of daily life. We get familiar with our surroundings, His protection and how He supplies our needs. We forget about the manifestation of His divine power in our lives. At other times, Satan discourages us. Even though Jesus assures us that God will supply our needs, we still distrust and murmur. We tend to our daily toils and rarely stop to press into Jesus.

Jesus loves us and wants to be near us. When we realize that it is He who impresses human hearts, and when we are humble and teachable, we can become like Him in mind and character. If we make room for Jesus during our busy work days, we realize how privileged we are to be able to press close to Him. It is then that we witness the small miracles we so easily miss.

Don’t wait. Press into Jesus today.

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