
The first time I met Lex, he was singing Christmas carols at our school. I had just arrived in Southeast Asia the week before, and all the new faces were a blur in my mind, but Lex was memorable from the very start in his nerdy, over-sized, black-framed glasses. But what really made him stand out from the crowd was his bubbly personality. His zest for life and love for people were contagious.

Lex had discovered our school after it moved to its new location. He passed our building many times on his way to and from downtown, until one day in early December his curiosity got the best of him, and he stopped to ask about what we offered. Although the second term had already started, he enrolled in classes and soon fell in love with our caring teachers. He had never seen this quality in teachers before. He was so excited that he began telling his friends about this new school he had discovered. Lex became our star recruiter. He brought six friends with him for the third term and 10 more for the fourth term! He has a real gift for connecting with people and sharing his passions.

Shortly after enrolling in our school, Lex began hearing about our Friday-evening gatherings. His teacher, Sierra, invited all her students. But Lex was dubious. Singing, stories and activities just didn’t sound like much fun to him. Months passed, and Lex and his classmates moved to the next level. His new teacher, Esther, also invited her students to experience Friday evening in the teacher’s house. One day Lex decided to see what this was all about, so he came. Instantly he was a fan. Soon he began bringing his classmates and friends with him. The singing is his favorite part. Last Friday, I watched him as he closed his eyes and sang, “I have a Father. He knows my name. He knows my every thought. He sees each tear that falls, and He hears me when I call.” It’s one of his favorite songs, and he requests it often.

Lex is a deep thinker and asks probing questions. He is pondering the differences between what he is learning about the Christian God and the Buddhist teachings he has heard all his life. He is wondering which is true.

Recently Lex shared that he may not return to our school next term. He is in his senior year of high school, and his studies are difficult. He dreams of studying abroad, so he is prepping intensively for the year-end tests.

Our dream for Lex is much bigger. We dream of him learning to trust God and understanding who Jesus is. We dream of Lex becoming passionate about inviting his friends to come with him on his journey to know God. Please join our team in praying for Lex.

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