New Opportunities in Palawan

My first trip to Kamantian began way back in 1995. I’ll never forget how overwhelmingly difficult it seemed at the time to climb up the mountain and into the valley. Several hours later, I remember how awed (and relieved) I was to have finally arrived. It was so beautiful, and I was so tired! The valley was surrounded by towering, mist-shrouded peaks. Here and there, small dots of villages clung to the mountain flanks. Living in the midst of this beauty was a small, seemingly forgotten tribal group living in fear of spirits and suspicion of outsiders. Without Christ, education or health care, the Palawanos struggled to eke out an existence in the beautiful but challenging environment.

For the past 13 years, Kent and Leonda George have sought to meet each of the needs of the Palawanos. They have established two schools that now serve more than 70 students. Palawanos who have graduated from the schools now do much of the teaching. One former student is now studying at Mountain View College to get a degree in education.

A clinic ministers to the needs of more than 5,000 patients a year. Leonda and her team deliver babies, care for wounds, and treat malaria, tuberculosis, pneumonia, and an untold number of other medical problems.

Most importantly, they reveal Christ to the tribal group. Currently, they have two established church groups. Palawano lay pastors preach and teach each Sabbath. On Sabbath afternoons, the believers spread out to share Christ in 10 to 12 branch Sabbath school locations. A Palawano Bible is being translated, and a large series of chronological Bible lessons are being completed to support the spiritual needs of the people. I am inspired each time I visit this project.

However, the Georges have also faced some very significant challenges. First, rapidly escalating costs have strained their capacity to meet the general expenses they are incurring in their ministry. To carry on their work, they need approximately $350 per month in additional general support. Also, their clinic needs $650 per month in additional assistance so they can keep it stocked with medicines and supplies. Another way you could help is by sponsoring a Palawano student. A commitment of $13 per month or $150 per year will enable a young Palawano to receive an education and will develop future church and community leaders among the Palawanos.
Asking for money is never an easy thing. However, on behalf of the George family and the Palawano people they are so faithfully serving, please consider whether God would have you, your Sabbath School, or a group of colleagues partner with them to continue the church-planting ministry they have begun. Please mark your gift General Project Support, Clinic Assistance, or Student Sponsorship.

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