New Year, Same God

A while back, I read an online post that said: “New year. New me.” Then the author crossed out the “New me” and replaced it, saying, “New year, same me, but I’m going to love her better.”

What if we pressed into that idea? What if, instead of loving ourselves better, we committed to loving Christ better, who remains the same year after year? We would be able to love others better.

We spent this past Christmas with another missionary family. They opened their home to us. We had intimate conversations until 1:00 a.m. and shared the highs and lows of mission work. It was so therapeutic, and we didn’t know how much we needed it until that moment with them. I think that is how many feel about God. They don’t even realize how much they need Him until they experience Him on an intimate level. So many in this culture and around the world have never experienced true and meaningful connection with others, let alone with God.

So, my word for this new year is boldness. I want to be bolder for Christ, but I don’t think we can become bolder until we are vulnerable. There is something very special about opening up to others and letting them see your weaknesses. In those moments, they can experience how great the God we serve is — that He loves and restores us even in our brokenness.

When I say I want to be bolder this year, I don’t mean I want to stand at the street corner and pass out tracts. I mean, I want to be bolder in the way I love others, in the way I allow myself to be vulnerable in front of others, and in the way I share with others how God uses this goofy, unpolished, ineloquent person to share the greatest treasure ever given to man, Christ.

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