Not a Coincidence

As student missionaries in Thailand, we used to live in a condo in the central area of the town. While there, we invited our Thai friends to get together and have some meals. One day, returning from a trip, we bumped into a guy in the elevator. Realizing he was not Thai, we started a conversation and discovered he was a Jewish gentleman from Israel trying to begin a new life in Thailand. We shared our contact information to keep in touch and went to our respective apartments.

Some days later, we scheduled a dinner with him to get to know each other better. That night, we started to talk about our family and friends and what we used to do in our home countries.

“What work did you do in Israel?” we asked.

“I used to work for the army, but then I quit and decided to move to Thailand.”

“And what about your family there? What do they think about that?”

“My family doesn’t live in Israel anymore. When I decided to come, they supported me.”

“Where does your family live now?”

“In Batumi, Georgia,” he replied.

“REALLY? Wow, we can’t believe that!”

“Why?” he asked, confused.

“We were invited to work in Batumi, Georgia, next year.”

“Wow, when you get there, just text me, and I will tell my family to meet you and help you with whatever you need.”

We were in shock. The family of a random guy that we met on an elevator in our condo — in a non-tourist city in Thailand — lives in Georgia, in the same city that we are preparing now to enter and start a church planting movement. Can you imagine that?

God can, and He is wonderful! This meeting confirmed our call to reach the unreached people of Georgia, including this Jewish family. Please join us in this journey and pray for God to open the hearts of the people we will meet.

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