One Blessing After Another

God has us on a fast track to Poplar, Montana. Want to come along?

Last May, we took a trip to Poplar, Montana, to join Spirit Lake, Idaho, church members, as they worked toward completion of the Living Hope Community Center. While in Poplar, we also wanted to explore our future housing options.

On the second day after our arrival, our car would not start. After many prayers, phone calls and a new battery, our 2010 Prius showed absolutely no sign of life. Then we began to be blessed with several miracles.

First, a man we had met less than 48 hours earlier told us, “Don’t worry, we will get your car back to Coeur d’Alene and a dealership.” And, indeed, that happened.

Another friend found a Toyota bulletin online that said the car had an extended warranty for the inverter. The repair would be free. Praise the Lord!

Marylou, the lady who hosted us, asked when we would be moving to Poplar. I mentioned that we had hoped to find something soon so that we would not be moving to Montana in the middle of December. She said, “I know a lot of people in Poplar who have rentals. Let me work on that for you.”

Two days later, Marylou called with exciting news. The Presbyterian church she attended in Poplar offered to rent us their manse, the house in which a minister would reside. And, if David were willing to fill in with preaching now and then, they would pay him an honorarium on each occasion. Hallelujah!

We are seeing God’s hand. Praise His name! Please, consider joining the project with your physical presence, your prayers or your financial support.

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