Our First College Grad!

In March, we traveled to Mindanao to celebrate the graduation of one of our first Palawano converts—the first student from our little mission school in Kemantian to graduate from college!

Marlyn David (a.k.a. Bubit) has overcome many difficulties to attain her dream of a college education. Her graduation weekend was not only the celebration of her accomplishments but also a testament to God’s faithfulness.

Though Bubit started her schooling at our mission school in Kemantian, she ran away from the mountains to avoid being sold as a wife. Her parents having passed away, Bubit felt she had no one to defend her. So, during our first furlough, she left the mountains and went to Brooke’s Point where she worked as a housekeeper for a time before continuing south to live with a non-Adventist pastor’s family. There she continued her studies and passed through elementary school, though she was considerably older than the other students. She went with the family to their new pastorate in Manila. There, she finished high school in two and a half years. She then took an entrance exam to attend a private university where she was sponsored and employed by another family. She studied at De la Salle University for 18 months before deciding to escape the influence of the family, which was controlling and neglectful of her needs.

During the time Bubit was out of the mountains trying to make her way in the world, she tried her best to forget the pain and injustice of her childhood and even that she was Palawano. So it was quite a surprise to us when she returned to the mountains one Sabbath in 2007. From that time on, she started reestablishing relationships with her siblings, and we took her into our home as an adopted daughter.

The following school term, Bubit attended a local Palawan university, only to be disillusioned by its lack of professionalism. We were relieved when she finally agreed to try out Mountain View College (MVC) in Mindanao, Philippines. MVC has a strong reputation for being mission-minded, and we felt confident that even though it was a long way from her home and family, it would develop in her a deep commitment to Christ’s work while she earned her degree. Because of all her transfers from college to college, she basically had to start over at MVC, so it took her four years to finish her studies.

Bubit’s graduation was a momentous occasion with lots of fanfare and ceremony. We felt very blessed to sit among the other parents during the parent’s appreciation ceremony and receive roses from Bubit. On graduation day, we proudly escorted her down the aisle. She still has to study for and pass her boards to receive certification, but we’re confident that, just as God has led and blessed her in the past, He will aid her in this endeavor as well.

Upon receiving certification, Bubit will officially join our mission staff. I know God has plans to bless her Palawano people through her, just as she blesses our family. And who knows how many more Palawano young people will follow their dreams of college education because of her example.

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