Overwhelming Givers

“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matt. 6:21).

My eyes filled with tears of joy. I had just finished a phone call with one of you who had sold a house and wanted to give a generous gift to AFM. What a blessing!

Another one of you learned of AFM’s need for motorcycles during training, to familiarize the missionaries with driving them before they launch to the field, and you donated a couple of small Honda 90s. Again we were overwhelmed with your generosity.
As we travel, we marvel how each of you around the world give like never before. We know times are tough for everyone, yet you remain the backbone of AFM. Many times we have prayed for a need in the field, and a donation has arrived soon after, showing us that the Holy Spirit was moving on generous hearts before we even asked. You will never know the amazing gift you are and how faith-building it is to the missionaries when you follow the Lord’s leading to give.

You could spend your money in many other ways, but instead you seek out the needs of the mission field and jump at opportunities to help. You are storing up treasure in heaven where moth and rust cannot destroy.

We are so blessed by you all. Whatever way God puts on your heart to give, we want to say thank you! We want to say hallelujah! We want to say it sure makes being a missionary more joyful to have faithful teammates like you!

I can’t wait to get to heaven and see how your gifts changed lives. I think there will be more tears of joy then, too.

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