Passing on the Blessing

In August, the children and I had the opportunity to go to Norway for three weeks to share about how the work is going here in Benin. At one of the places I spoke, a man shared the following story with me:

“When my family and I were on vacation this summer, we had an interesting experience. I had misplaced the key to the car, so we were using the spare key. One day, I noticed the tip of the key had gotten bent at almost a 45-degree angle. I took it to a locksmith, and he straightened it out for me, but you could still see a small crack in the key.

“We kept using the key until one day I happened to find the main key again. Holding the main key, I pulled the spare out of the ignition, and its tip broke off and fell into my hand. I was amazed! God had kept that key working and also had kept it from breaking inside the ignition, which would have been a difficult, expensive problem.

“When we came home from vacation and read your Field Director’s letter mentioning your need for a vehicle, my wife and I decided to give you the money we would have spent on our car if the key had broken in the ignition. I believe God wants us to pass on His blessings!”

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