Power over Addiction

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“Oh, by the way, we’ve been invited for dinner this evening by one of our neighbors, and you have been invited, too. They know you are arriving today and are eager to meet you.”

Well, that was a nice surprise I had not been expecting. I had just arrived at the airport in Turkey, and Malachi Coal was driving me to their home when he shared this bit of news with me.

At the appointed time, we made our way to their neighbors’ apartment where we were warmly welcomed and sat with them while dinner was being prepared. During the meal, the man of the house shared his frustrations with his smoking habit and his desire to stop. He shared how difficult he had found it to stop, and how he had tried and failed many times. “This sounds very similar to my own experience,” I told him. “About 37 years ago, I had the very same issue. I was smoking 40-60 cigarettes a day. I had tried umpteen times to stop without success. Even after attending a smoking-cessation course I still could not stop in my own strength. I was so frustrated and disappointed with myself. During this time I had begun to investigate who Jesus was. I had been receiving Bible studies from my grandfather for more than a year by that time and had been drawn closer to the Lord. Now I was in difficulty because I wanted to be baptized but couldn’t while I was still smoking. Was God real? Was Jesus real, and did They care enough for me to want to help me in my predicament”?

I shared with this lovely family how I had returned home on the final night of that smoking-cessation course thoroughly disappointed and discouraged. I explained how I knelt by my bed that night and prayed to Jesus, pleading that He take away my addiction to smoking. I admitted I was too weak to accomplish it myself. I prayed that if He really was real, not a figment of man’s imagination, and really cared for me, that He would take it all away. If He didn’t, I figured I might as well stop my pursuit of Him and go back to how I was before. After that prayer, I climbed into bed, closed my eyes and quickly fell asleep.

When I awoke the following morning, all my desire for smoking had disappeared. I never again craved a cigarette and never smoked again from that day to this. Not only did Jesus take away my desire to smoke, He also took away my withdrawal symptoms. This experience showed me that not only is Jesus real, but He cares even for someone like me.

“And if Jesus cares so much for me and was willing to help me quit my smoking habit, He also cares for you and is willing to help you, too, if you will let Him,” I concluded. Our host sat in silence as the rest of the family encouraged him to continue trying and not to give up. He knows his smoking also affects the rest of his family, and I know he really wants to stop, but being a Muslim presents a problem. He has not yet grappled with his need for a Savior who can help in any situation and with any difficulty.

The Coals informed me later that my testimony deeply affected their neighbor, and they continue to share their love of Jesus with this family as they are able. Please pray for them and especially for the father in that family, that Jesus will reveal Himself to him and help him to cease his smoking habit, too.

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