Prompted by God

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It had been a busy week. It was Friday afternoon, and I still had a long shopping list. Some of the items on the list were gifts that I didn’t know where to find. As I drove down the road, I prayed, “Lord, please help me find these things quickly so I can bless my Sabbath guests.” After stopping at two stores and not finding anything on my list, I changed my prayer to, “Lord, I’m not sure why I’m not finding these things, and I’m frustrated. Please change my attitude so I can hear Your guidance.”

I went into another store and again left empty-handed. As I was leaving, I saw out of the corner of my eye an elderly woman misjudge a curb and fall flat on her face! Several people rushed to help her. Assured she was taken care of, I continued on my way.
But then I felt a prompting. I paused and said, “Lord, should I turn back?”

“Yes,” was the definite answer.

Even though there were people helping the lady up, no one seemed to know what to do. The nurse in me took over. Her glasses were shattered, and her cheek was bleeding. I reached into my purse for a tissue, but didn’t have one. I went through questions and assessment. She was shaken by the fall, but no bones appeared broken. With me supporting her, she was able to walk into the store for help.

A clerk stared at us, slack-jawed. I asked her for help, but she just stood there, so I asked to see the manager. Immediately we had gauze and bandages. After we got the bleeding stopped, the woman begged me, “Please, all I need is wrapping paper.” I helped her make the purchase and walked her to her vehicle.

“Is there someone I can call to drive you home?” I asked.

“No, I can make it,” she said. But she still looked shaken. I finally asked her if she was comfortable with me following her home to make sure she made it safely. “Yes, that would be nice,” she replied.

Her driving skills were impeccable. I followed her through the suburbs to a beautiful home, praying all the way. “Lord, how can I let this daughter of Yours know how much You love her?” As I walked up the driveway, she emerged from the car. She thanked me profusely and commented, “The good Lord had you there right on time.” I shared with her my earlier prayer and asked if I could pray for her before I left. She readily agreed. As I was praying, I noticed tears flowing down her cheeks. After the amen, she asked, “What religion are you anyway? I haven’t heard anyone pray like that except my sister. When she was 38 she died of cancer.” I replied that I was a Seventh-day Adventist. Her eyes once again became misty, and she grasped my arm. “So was my sister! I’m Catholic. I miss her so much!” As we praised God for orchestrating our meeting, I handed her my business card with my cell phone number on the back. “In case your children want to talk with me,” I said.

Last week I received a lovely thank-you in the mail praising the Lord that she didn’t break anything and just had a black eye. And then she added a phrase that brought great joy to my heart: “I would like to get together after the holidays.” Me, too!

What if I hadn’t listened to God’s promptings? But because I did, He took an accident and turned it into a touch point and a memory of a beloved sister.

Oh, how I want to do His biddings more often! If we all would act on His promptings, we wouldn’t be here on this earth much longer. Let’s commit to listen and submit.

PS: After leaving the lady with her son, I ran into a friend who told me where to shop for the item on my list. Even though it had taken about an hour to help my new friend, God redeemed that time. I got all my shopping done and peacefully settled in before Sabbath!

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