Reading Faces

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“The Lord bless you and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, and be gracious to you; The Lord lift up His countenance upon you, and give you peace” (Numbers 6: 24-26).

When living abroad, I always marveled at the colorful outfits the women wore, especially as they were set against the grays of cement buildings and the browns of dirt roads. It would bring to mind a blossom springing to life after a harsh winter.

Many times, it afforded me the luxury to break the barrier between cultures as my kinetic communication ways moved me to reach out and touch the garment or feel the silky texture of the outfits the ladies wore. This action closed the cultural gap so I could look directly at them. My grandmother used to tell me that lines on a face reveal character and tell a story. I wanted to “read” their faces.

Creases around the outer corners of the eyes speak of joy. The upturned corners of the mouth show a quickness to smile and happiness within. The sparkle shining from their pupils identifies an openness to engage with others.

These moments also allowed me to see eyes red and swollen from tears, creases between the eyebrows reflecting hardships, and frowns around the mouth pointing to a life of toil and pain.

No matter what I read in their faces, most ladies would often reciprocate by touching me in return, providing a way we could communicate without always being fluent in each other’s language. Many times, in a matter of moments, I would find myself holding hands with or having an arm around these newly found “sisters.” It was such a blessing and a way to show them I care.

Do you ever take the time to stop and look deep into the face of another to find a way to connect with them? It does take time, and usually, I am the one initiating the first touch. I have to be willing to be vulnerable as I reach out to another, risking rejection from them.

Those faces, however, are indelibly etched in my memory’s halls—women I pray that one day I may see in heaven. I pray that they, too, were “reading” my face and saw Jesus shining out of me. I pray that our time together showed them love through my eyes and made them long for His peace that hopefully radiated out of my ever-increasingly lined countenance.

May each encounter with another be a providential engagement led by our Lord. Time is so short, and we have not a moment to lose, for Jesus is coming very soon.

Lord, love others through us today!

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