
As much as we wish to share God’s love, there are times when we wonder how much of ourselves to give to people who would consume us but do not seem interested in spiritual growth. Rushen joined us for a short time a few years ago. She was an unforgettable figure with her wild, long hair, bright lipstick that went far beyond its natural boundaries, her eternal eagerness to get something for free, and her routine Facebook coffee and wine selfies. Her visits to our church group abruptly ended when she learned we did not eat meat or drink alcohol.

Last week, something brought Rushen back to our circle, but not for herself — she brought a friend. Mutesh told us he had attended the evangelical church until March but did not say why he quit. He is not a Christian, but disillusionment with the Quran and Islam has sent him searching for something better. Before sharing a meal, we read Acts 6 and 7, the remarkable story of Stephen’s testimony and martyrdom. Mutesh promised to return, and we look forward to understanding more of his story.

Many people have come and gone from our worship circle. Each one has received seed and commenced a journey. We cannot always tell where they are in their journeys, but we know the Holy Spirit tends the seeds, and God promises a joyful harvest. Even a seed that may appear to have been snatched away by the ravens may yet grow and bear fruit.

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