Silent Listeners

Image for Silent Listeners

“What do you think about Brexit—about the UK leaving the European Union?”

I was asked this question on a train traveling from London to my home just a few days after the UK referendum. Usually on trains in the UK, most people keep to themselves unless they know a fellow passenger. However, on this occasion it was quite different. I was sitting in my seat expecting a quiet journey when another man came and sat across from me diagonally. A young lady sat beside me shortly thereafter, just a few minutes before the journey began. It wasn’t long before the gentleman began to speak to me, asking several questions interspersed with various comments. He was a Christian of another denomination, so part of our discussion was spiritual. The young lady chimed in to affirm a couple of my comments, but she didn’t seem to want to get too involved in our conversation.

Then the gentleman asked the question that many have been asking about Brexit. This question is rather sensitive, especially for those who wanted to remain in the European Union, so I wanted to be cautious in my response yet at the same time share from my heart. “I believe what the Bible says in Daniel chapter 2, that Europe will not cleave together,” I said.

“What do you mean?” he asked. “What does it say?”

I shared the story of Daniel 2 and the interpretation God gave through Daniel concerning the feet of iron and clay, how they do not mix together. I had to explain the image Nebuchadnezzar saw, the various metals and what they represented. Finally I said, “That is why Europe will never agree on everything or come together as one great union, except for the very few weeks immediately prior to our Lord’s return, when the 10 kings of the earth unite for a period of one prophetic hour. (Rev. 17:12)”

He was obviously interested, but our conversation was cut short as the train arrived at my station. As I got up to leave, I noticed other people close by had been quietly listening to our conversation with interest. One young man nodded to me and smiled as I left. It was a shame I had to leave the train at that point, but only God knows how that short discourse may change someone’s thinking or encourage them to read the Bible for themselves. If they do, they will realize that God’s prophecies are true and faithful.

Many people are very fearful and uncertain about what lies ahead. We know that God is in control, and we have the privilege of pointing people to the One who is coming soon and Who has promised His peace in turbulent times.

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