Songs of God’s Love

The other day I messaged my mom that sparrows were dancing on the AC unit outside my window. What a lovely thought! This morning some beautiful quotations using nature as a metaphor impressed with a deeper sense of God’s love and care as I sat on the porch after my morning run. In the midst of my anxious scurrying thoughts, God calmed the worries and wrapped me in a blanket of His love while the sparrows sang and the sky glistened speaking of His attentive watch-care of us.

Speaking of the God who gave us life in the first place: “Will not He who has bestowed the greater gift bestow also what is needed to make it complete?” (MB 95.2)

Speaking of a God that LOVES to give good gifts to His children: “It is He who made the flowers and who gave to the sparrows its song who says, ‘Consider the lilies,’…On the lily’s petals, God has written a message for YOU, written in language that your heart can read only as it unlearns the lessons of distrust and selfishness and corroding care. Why has He given you the singing birds and the gentle blossoms, but form the overflowing love of a Father’s heart, that would brighten and gladden your path of life?…He has filled earth and air and sky with glimpses of beauty to tell you of His loving thought for YOU…If He has lavished such infinite skill upon the things of nature, for your happiness and joy, can you doubt that He will give you every needed blessing?” (MB 96.1)

Speaking of a God that is COMPLETELY ABLE to turn dirty messed up lives of this world into beautiful characters: “Consider, says Jesus, how the lilies grow; how, springing from the cold, dark earth, or from the mud of the river bed, the plants unfold in loveliness and fragrance. Who would dream of the possibilities of beauty in the rough brown bulb of the lily?…Even so will the life of God unfold in every human soul that will yield itself to the ministry of His grace… (MB 97.2)

Speaking of a God that calls us to SHARE His love with others: “He has surrounded YOU with beauty to teach you that your are not placed on earth merely to delve for self, to dig and build, to toil and spin, but to make life bright and joyous and beautiful with the love of Christ—like the flowers, to gladden other lives by the ministry of love. (MB 97.3)

So why should I ever doubt that He truly does know what is best for me regardless of what I feel is best? The great quotation is so often used about how we would never choose a different plan if we could see the end from the beginning of what God has planned for us. But the quotations today, spoke that same trust to me in a new beautiful way. Truly, I should not be anxious, when I live for a God like this!

(Quotations are from Thoughts from the Mount of Blessings chapter 4 by E.G. White.)


Thanks for writing! Reading it was a blessing. Keeping you in our prayers.

By mcammerer on October 31 2014, 2:06 am

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