Take Me Home

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Her fear-filled eyes pleaded with me, “Please take me to safety. Take me home.”

It was a typical Kansas day, sunny with puffy white clouds and a brisk southern wind. I had just gotten off the bus, quickly changed my clothes, and hurried out to get my German Shepherd friend, Wendy. Together we would do our chores and then herd the sheep from a paddock through a large pasture to the barn.

As Wendy and I neared the paddock, the sheep were looking agitated and huddled near the gate. That’s odd, I thought. The sheep were always reluctant to leave the paddock, wanting to snitch a few last mouthfuls of grass before coming in for the night. As I opened the gate, the herd ran out past us. I scanned the tall prairie grass and gentle hills.

Then I saw her—a ewe struggling to stand. Near her was a newborn lamb. As I ran over to her, I could see her hindquarters had been ripped open. She was in a great deal of pain. Her eyes pleaded with me to take her home. But I couldn’t. I wasn’t strong enough to carry her. As tears filled my eyes, Wendy gave a low growl. I looked up to see a coyote staring at us icily from a safe distance, angry that we had interrupted his dinner plans. Likely he had targeted the lamb, but the ewe had fought to protect her baby. I didn’t dare leave the ewe to get help, or the coyote would finish her off. Silently, I pleaded with God to help us.

A few minutes later, I heard the familiar rumble of our Ford pickup truck. My dad, returning from town where he had picked up machinery parts, had seen the herd running to the barn. He became concerned when he didn’t see me or Wendy, so he quickly hopped in the truck and went looking for us. Soon my strong father was there to take us home to safety. Gently, we loaded the ewe and her lamb into the bed of the truck.

I believe that no experience in life is wasted. That day, my faith in God was strengthened, and I witnessed an illustration of His love. How thankful I am for a God who searches for the lost, the hurt, the wounded. How thankful I am that He protects His children, and that when I admit my weakness and say “I can’t,” He displays His power and says, “I can.” How thankful I am that He’s coming to take us home to a place of peace and safety.

And how thankful I am for AFM supporters! Because of you, the lost are found, and the wounded receive healing.

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