Taken Back to Thailand

I’m walking through a Ross store when I hear it, and I cannot help but stop and tune in. I don’t want to be obvious, but I am drawn to the sound of Thai being spoken a couple of rows over in the men’s shirt section. Three years ago, I might have noticed someone speaking another language, but I wouldn’t have given it a second thought. So much has changed. Now the words are familiar, and the rise and fall of their distinctive tones carry me back to our home in Khon Kaen. This language represents places and people we hold very dear and reminds me of the amazing things that God is doing right now to reach His children.

Three and half years ago, we joined Pastor Wanlop and his wife in Khon Kaen. We met in their home for Sabbath worship with an average attendance of fewer than 10 people. We pleaded with God to show us the next step, and He did—over and over. Furlough gives us the space to pause and reflect on what He has done, and we can only praise Him. It is incredible to remember how God took the dream of having a music school and turned it into a reality that is accomplishing more than we could have imagined in terms of connecting with the community.

Others have joined us, and we are blessed to work in a close-knit, diverse team. The Christian community we experience has allowed our team to model God’s love in attractive ways, and the church that meets in our music school consistently overflows. Two of our visitors (now family) are preparing for baptism this summer.

We are looking forward to rejoining our team in Khon Kaen and seeing our friends again. We invite you to consider joining our team through your prayers and support. If you would like to receive our email updates, drop us a line at godinthailand@yahoo.com.

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