The (Almost) Accident

It all happened so quickly!

The brake lights ahead flashed, and all the cars around us hit their brakes, but the wet road offered little traction. Suddenly, the semi truck beside us began heading into our lane as its trailer began to jack-knife. Don had already moved onto the left shoulder of the road, but it appeared that the semi tractor was still going to hit the small trailer we were towing behind us. The median was our only possible escape. Deftly, Don maneuvered the van onto the median, around the stopped car in front of us and back onto the highway. He threaded his way through an opening ahead, past a car lying on its side in the center lane and a row of stopped vehicles on the shoulder. Breathing many prayers of thanks, we drove on up the highway to an exit where we pulled off into a service station. Within moments, several ambulances and a fire truck roared out onto the highway, sirens blaring.

We have seen more accidents and had more close calls in the last two years than in the rest of our lives. It is obvious that the enemy is doing his best to prevent our work with AFM. The good news is that, “they that be with us are more than they that be with them” (2 Kings 6:16). God is writing this story. We do not know what twists and turns the plot may take, but we trust the Author. God has not promised that this journey would be without pain or trouble, but He has assured us of victory in the end. Please pray for us and for our frontline missionaries that, in whatever circumstances we may experience, God will be glorified.

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