The Battle Ahead of Us

“There have been some weird things happening around here lately.”

“Really, like what?” I asked. I was sitting in the home of some non-Christian friends I have known for many years.

“You see those light bulbs in the lamp over there? We’ve been having problems with the lamp, so I unscrewed all three bulbs for a while. Later that same evening, that bulb on the left started to flicker, then stayed on. I went over to check it out and found the bulb tightened and secure, but neither of us tightened it. It happened all by itself! And another thing: A few weeks ago we were watching the TV when all of a sudden I heard a voice in my ear say, “The channel will change.” I told Jackie, and sure enough, after just a few seconds, the channel changed. A short time later I heard the voice say exactly the same thing, and again, in just a few seconds, the telly changed channels all by itself. I wasn’t anywhere near the controls!” Neil seemed bemused by the events.
“So what do you make of that, Graham?” Jackie asked.

“Well, I have a very different understanding of what is going on than you seem to,” I said as I took in the situation and my friends’ body language and facial expression. “To me, it sounds like you are being harassed by demons—spiritual beings we cannot see with our own eyes, unless they wish it. They tend to do things like this either to annoy and frustrate you or to encourage you to think beyond our present understanding of what is “normal” in the West, and to encourage you to believe in spirits—in their power.

In many countries in the Eastern hemisphere, satanic influences are quite overt and looked upon as normal occurrences in everyday life. For example, walking sticks can be seen moving around the room on their own. People are frequently possessed by forces, beings, powers, or spirits—call them what you will—but they are very dangerous beings to mess about with. In the West, in our own country for example, a large percentage of the population doesn’t believe in demons or spiritual beings. I believe many people are in prison or mental institutions, labeled as schizophrenic or something similar, when in actual fact they are possessed by demons.”

“I believe you,” Jackie replied. “I’ve thought that for a long time now.” But Neil remained silent throughout this discourse, obviously unimpressed.

I have been friends with Neil and Jackie for more than 30 years, and they witnessed the change in me when I became a Christian. However, over the years, Neil has shown no interest in Christianity, maintaining that he is a good guy who doesn’t need saving from anything. I would love to see both Neil and Jackie come to Christ.

When I returned home, I thought about this conversation for a while and wondered why it is that so many people in Europe and America, even some Adventists, find it difficult to believe in spiritual phenomena. Time is moving on, and Satan’s works will become more powerful and appealing as the end of this world as we know it draws nearer. He will use various methods to attract attention and get people intrigued with the occult.

When I was in the States in September, I attended a conference on spiritual warfare at Andrews University, the first of its kind to be held there. Papers presented at this conference were full of information and advice. Topics covered included the following:

Magic and Occultism in the Old Testament: Presuppositions, Responses, and God’s Attitude
Animism, the Occult, and Mission
Exorcism in the New Testament
A Ministry Response to Demonic Harassment and Possession among Contemporary Hindus
Practical Approaches to Deliverance Ministries
End-Time Demonic Activities in the Book of Revelation
Attitudes and Responsibilities to Spiritual Warfare and the Occult in Church History
Should We Engage in Dialogue with Demons?
Ellen G. White’s Perspective on Spiritual Warfare and the Occult
Mental Illness and Demonization
The Witness, the Whisperer, and the Writer
Social Dynamics and Occultic Practices
A Window into the Worship of Demons in the Old Testament

I strongly believe that more instruction on such topics is needed in the church at every level, especially as we draw closer to end of time. In fact, while I was in the States, a pastor friend of ours was sharing with Pauline that he has had several incidents just recently in his church with members coming under demonic harassment. As a new pastor, he was not sure what to do. When friends, family and neighbors become confused with what is happening around them, we need to be able to give an explanation and let them know who is responsible. People need to know what Satan is up to and how he manifests himself in his efforts to deceive and destroy the whole world. As the people of God, we need to prepare for the battle ahead of us and be ready to stand firm for Jesus at all cost.

“For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms” (Eph. 6:12. NLT).

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