The Gym

“Would you like to come for an induction session on Saturday?” asked Shenaz, the owner of the ladies’ gym I was visiting.

For some time I have been thinking about ways to connect with people in my community. As much as I enjoy my work as receptionist at the British Union Conference office and my involvement in my local church congregation, I was becoming increasingly concerned that so much of my time was spent with other Adventists that I was losing touch with my neighborhood. So, when a small ladies’ gym opened not far from our home, I thought this would provide an ideal opportunity to get to know others and get some exercise after sitting at my desk all day.

I had prayed that the gym would provide me with witnessing opportunities, but I had not expected to have the chance to witness so soon. I explained briefly to Shenaz that Saturday was my Sabbath, so I would not be coming for any sessions that day. As we spoke, she shared that she was a Muslim. She explained that the gym was not just about getting fit and shedding a few pounds, but also about making friends. The instructors and clients occasionally go out for group meals. The instructors actively promote healthy eating along with exercise to help the ladies achieve their goals. The gym has a notice board where members can advertise, so I will be advertising the light supper and health seminars run by my local church on the last Thursday of each month.

I have not been going to the gym for very long, but I have observed that there is a large cross section of ladies coming from different cultural backgrounds, many of whom are in my age bracket. Please pray that I will get to know some of the ladies and instructors on a deeper level and find opportunities to share my faith.

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