The Kind Farmer and His Wife

One day, as I was driving my motorcycle back from the farm, it started to rain, and I did not have any rain gear with me. I was totally unprepared! I stopped along the road, calculating whether I should continue or find a dry location to weather the storm. It did not look like the rain was going to let up anytime soon. Thankfully, a kind farmer and his wife beckoned me to their house where it was dry. I gladly accepted their offer of hospitality.

They were working for the farm owner and were from another province. They lived in a one-room shanty with a sheet metal roof. The back half of their house was open to the elements, but the view was amazing as they overlooked the side of a beautiful hill. There was a center post in the house to which they had tied two hammocks.

We enjoyed the time chatting about our home countries, families and the work in Mondulkiri. Once the rain had let up, I was about to leave, and they gave me a plastic sack in which I could store my wallet and important documents. I left that day feeling blessed for the opportunity to have gotten to know my neighbors a little better.

Later that week, I stopped by our bakery in town, got some freshly baked bread, and shared some with the farmer and his wife. They seemed grateful for the small gift. A while later, the farmer stopped me on my way back into town and gave me a large bag of corn he had just picked.

I do not always have the opportunity to talk about Jesus, but I pray that those I meet will see Him in my life and want to know Him more. Please keep our neighbors lifted up in prayer. Also, please pray that the people we meet and work with will see Jesus and accept Him as their Lord and Savior.

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