The Ministry of Community

Can you imagine a community that has no needs, and everyone has all their necessities met?

Some people think that planting a church is going to be a challenge for us, but honestly that’s not my biggest concern. Planting an indigenous Seventh-day Adventist movement is the real challenge. Of course, starting a church is no easy task either, because it means people have to change their beliefs and lifestyles and risk being ostracized by their families and communities. The only way to start a movement is through the Holy Spirit. There is a difference between a church and a movement. We want to plant churches that exist to grow and carry the gospel. Churches that have more interest in the community than in themselves.

The book of Acts is an awesome guide for church-planting movements. It talks about how the disciples waited for the Holy Spirit and how all the believers shared with the needy and broke bread together. I bet if we embraced their ways of life we would see true revival and movements like the ones in the New Testament.

For a lot of people, being a Christian means going to church, praying, giving tithe and offerings and reading the Bible. However, in Acts we see a different type of Christianity. This is a faith that is energized with power from the Holy Spirit and selfless giving. This was not a spiritual discipline but a lifestyle. This was not something that believers added to their busy schedule, it was who they were and their reason for existence.

I was given Bible studies and nurtured into the church by many people, but the most influential person was a busy doctor and his family. You see, he is Christian who happens to be a doctor. He is not a doctor who happens to be a Christian. He uses his vocation to fulfill God’s purpose for his life.

Whatever your work may be, remember your God-given calling to make disciples of all nations. I invite you to join me in reading the book of Acts regularly to be inspired to be like the New Testament disciples and create communities where we help each other and teach others to be disciples. I also invite you to pray for us that the Holy Spirit will continue to fill us with power to teach with boldness in Thailand and create communities in which people find hope, salvation and a true Christian family.

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