The Passport

What do you mean that they have rejected my passport application? I filled in all the answers carefully, and I sent all my documentation. How could they reject it? I reached for the official envelope containing my returned papers. Searching through the materials, we found the answer. It was the photograph! Oh, it was the right size and orientation, there were no reflections from my glasses, and the background was correct. But there seemed to be a problem with my expression. It was not neutral enough. On close inspection, I could see it—the corners of my mouth turned up ever so slightly. This official document no longer allows for even a hint of a smile! My application was rejected because I didn’t follow the directions precisely.

Passports are required for all international travel these days. Even at the U.S./Canada border where we used to cross with a smile and a wave, our passports are now carefully scrutinized. Passports are used as identification when crossing borders, boarding planes, when transacting certain types of official business, and in many countries even for bank transactions.

So, what are the requirements of a heavenly passport? We can’t get it with money (Mark 10:23). Doing good things will not get us in (Matt. 5:20); though doing the will of God is important (Matt. 7:21). So, what do we need? Jesus said that unless we become as little children, trusting Him in everything, we will not enter (Matt. 18:3). Trust—our passport to heaven. Trusting Him will bring a genuine smile to our faces and incredible joy through eternity. That is a passport I surely don’t want to be denied.

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