The Power of Prayer

Have you ever prayed for someone in faith that they would accept Jesus as their Savior, but in the back of your mind you can’t visualize how it could be possible, except by the grace of God? Duang and I have had that experience in praying for a man I’ll call Joe. “Lord,” we prayed, “we do not see how it is possible for Joe to change, but we lift him up to You and ask that You will work in his heart for salvation. Help him to see Jesus as his Savior and to turn from the world to Christ.”

Years passed with very little evidence of change, but we continued to pray. Then one day, Joe told me, “I have asked Jesus to come into my heart. I want Him to have all of me. I want to be a Christian—not a cultural Christian, but a Christian whose every thought, desire, motive and action is for the glory of God.” Amen! Praise God!

Looking ahead, we know that Satan will fill Joe’s path with temptations, attacks and trouble. But Jesus is stronger than Satan, and through His grace, Joe can win mighty triumphs and victories. We look forward to seeing what God will do through this man who is now totally surrendered to His will. With these thoughts in mind, our prayers for Joe are intensifying. We invite you to pray for him, too.

Our experience with Joe has encouraged us to continue praying for others who as yet give no outward evidence of conversion. We are claiming the promise, “Let us not be weary in well doing: for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not” (Gal. 6:9).

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