The Spirit of Heaven

“God wants me to give this to you.”

My heart thumped almost audibly as I stared at Jessica’s hands counting out six 100-dollar bills. “I’ve been praying about it, so I’m sure,” she said.

After a long wintry Sabbath evening, Jessica and I, with our husbands, chatted in her cozy living room until sleep threatened to suspend our conversation. When Jessica lifted herself up on an elbow, I expected her to say goodnight. Instead she reached into her purse and withdrew this handful of precious bills. How many months of saving did this gift represent? For a single-income pastor’s family, it must have been a lot. She had been planning to take her son on a special eighth-grade trip, but she said she knew that God would make it okay. Her words were confident, but a quaver in her voice belied the struggle of deep sacrifice. As I thought about what this gift meant to her family, tears stung my eyes.

I am truly humbled as I witness the incredible love and generosity of God’s people. Children give money they have earned by doing chores. Seniors give from their Social Security checks. Others withdrawn funds from their retirement. Still others sell handcrafted items so they can support our project. What motivates such lavish gifts? Cynics might suggest a selfish motive, but when I look into the eyes of our supporters, it is impossible for me to agree. I believe that within the hearts of these givers, the Holy Spirit has kindled an earnest longing to see God’s light shine in the far corners of the earth. Ellen White says, “The spirit of liberality is the spirit of heaven” (Acts of the Apostles p. 339). I see the spirit of heaven among my friends who are joining forces with us to advance God’s kingdom. I want more of that in my life, don’t you?

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