The Turning Point

We all have our unique stories of coming to Christ. Some come to Christ because of sickness, a broken marriage, the death of a loved one, or to escape addiction, to name a few reasons. Whatever brings us to our personal turning point, it is a beautiful thing to embrace our Lord, live for Him and redeem the lost time.

Such is the case of a young lady who is studying the Bible with my wife. Madeline is the oldest child of one of our church members. Her mother and sister got baptized the same day in our church. Three of her brothers are now Seventh-day Adventists.

For many years, Madeline lived her life the way she wanted, with little thought of God. Yet, the Holy Spirit was working on her heart, attracting her to our church. Several times, she bought cleaning materials for our church. She also donated several benches. Occasionally, she would visit our church with her mother and two sisters. And every Sabbath, she gave her mother her offering to take to church.

While we were in the States attending AFM training, Madeline fell sick. When we heard the news, she was near death. Her unhealthful lifestyle may have been the cause of her sickness, but only God knows the real reason. She later told us, “During my suffering, I examined myself and saw my sinfulness. I felt the need of a Savior, so I sent my brother to call the Catholic priest so I could confess my sins and let him pray for me.” The priest came to Madeline’s house with some men. Upon seeing her, they concluded that she wouldn’t survive the night, so they suggested performing last rites. She said, “I cried out in anger at the priest, ‘No! I am not going to die! Please leave my house!’”

No sooner had the priest and other men left than our teammate George and his wife arrived to pay Madeline a visit. She told them, “I have been living a foolish life, and this is what I have reaped.” George and his wife encouraged her and told her that God always comes near in times of need if we believe. They prayed with her and asked God to forgive her. Their encouragement gave her hope. They read her God’s promises in Psalm 91:14-16, “Because he hath set his love upon me, therefore will I deliver him: I will set him on high, because he hath known my name. He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and honor him. With long life will I satisfy him, and show him my salvation.”

“That night,” she said, “gathering all the strength left in me, I got on my knees and began to confess my sins and ask God to save me. I told Him, ‘God, if you give me back my life and my health, I will do Your work. I will live to glorify Your name.’ It was as if that is what God wanted to hear from me. I felt great relief flood through me, and I slept very soundly that night—my best sleep in three months. Now that God has responded to my cry, all I want to do is study His word and learn how to share my faith with others.”

In His love and mercy, God said in Ezekiel 18:23, “‘Have I any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?’ saith the Lord God: ‘and not that he should return from his ways, and live?’” Recently, at our last baptism, Madeline responded to the call. She has given her life to Christ and is now preparing for baptism. Please pray that her faith in the Lord will continue to strengthen.

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