True Revival in Me

Our visit to the States has been a time of spiritual refreshing for us, but cross-cultural fundraising is a challenge. At first, fundraising was fun as we travelled to different states, met wonderful people and made new friends. However, there came a point when we started longing for a miraculous intervention from God. As time went on and our fundraising crept toward the goal, I tried to keep thinking positively, but I worried about our visas, which would expire on June 21. At the pace we were going, it seemed we would never be able to raise our monthly support team in time. Foolishly, I allowed these thoughts to weigh me down. I forgot that we were called by a God who is able to provide for His cause. All we have to do is ask Him.

During this time, I found a book by Ellen White titled True Revival that had been given to my son during our visit to one of the churches. It was exactly what I needed at that point in time. As I read it, I felt a renewed need for a closer walk with God. I found a quiet place by the lake behind the AFM training center to read God’s word and listen to what He had to say to me.

Sometimes we don’t realize how much we need a closer walk with God until we encounter something like that book that spells out our weakness and unbelief and our need for His ultimate strength.

In the first paragraph of the book, Ellen White wrote, “A revival of true godliness among us is the greatest and most urgent of all our needs. To seek this should be our first work. There must be earnest effort to obtain the blessing of the Lord, not because God is not willing to bestow His blessing upon us, but because we are unprepared to receive it. Our heavenly Father is more willing to give His Holy Spirit to them that ask Him, than are earthly parents to give good gifts to their children. But it is our work, by confession, humiliation, repentance, and earnest prayer to fulfill the conditions upon which God has promised to grant us His blessing”.

In chapter six on page 51, she wrote, “To those who have united themselves to Him, he declares: ‘Though a mother may forget her child, ‘yet will not I forget thee. Behold, I have graven you thee upon the palms of My hands.’ Thou art continually before Me.”
Tears began to run down my cheeks, and I broke down and cried. I felt worthless before God, and gave my worried, doubtful heart to Him all over again.

When I entertained doubt and worried about our monthly support, I was creating a foothold for the deceiver’s wiles. On page 10 of True Revival, Sister White said, “The adversary of souls is not permitted to read the thoughts of men; but he is a keen observer, and he marks the words; he takes account of actions, and skillfully adapts his temptation to meet the cases of those who place themselves in his power. If we would labor to repress sinful thoughts and feelings, giving them no expression in words or actions, Satan would be defeated; for he could not prepare his specious temptation to meet the case.”

When read this passage, I realized how much opportunity I had given to the devil to keep filling my mind with doubt. I forgot that the Almighty has the whole world in His hands. There is nothing beyond His control. Who am I to worry? I said to myself. The work is not mine. He has just called me to partner with Him in His reconciliation business.

After my experience by the lake, I gave all to Him. Now I feel spiritually refreshed. I can now pray more, talk less and worry no more. I feel born again and more ready than ever to return to my mission field in Guinea. A revival has taken place in me!

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