Two Needy People

I was recently doing some literature evangelism in Louisiana and met some fantastic people. One man was so excited about our plans for Cambodia and my vegan cookbook that he invited me to sit down and talk. He unfolded his Buddhist/mother-earth-styled belief system and shared his conviction that love was the foundation of happiness. I agreed with him and asked some questions about where he thought that love came from. “From within,” he replied. I offered that God modeled true love through the life of His Son Jesus, and how the atrocities done under the banner of Christianity were not the Bible’s love principle in action. I told him of the beauty of the gospels and urged him to read them.

At another house I met a woman whose husband had just been diagnosed with stage-four cancer with little time left to live. She wept as she shared her worry for her husband. She also shared that she was suffering from at least two migraine headaches per week, and she felt as though God was sending them to her as penance for her husband’s sins toward the end of his life. My heart throbbed with compassion for this woman and her skewed view of God. After I prayed with her, I realized anew that there are so many people in our world who are confused about who God is. Yet, God loves them and desires to bring them into a close relationship with Him.

We are humbled to partner with you in reaching our dear brothers and sisters in Cambodia, and we look forward to helping them connect with the Lover of our souls!

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