What Wonderous Love!

During our relocation to Australia, verses from three different songs have swirled through my heart continually: “Little is much when God is in it,” “Count your blessings, name them one by one,” and “What wondrous love is this, oh my soul.”

Our eyes have filled with tears of gratitude as our Lord once again did “exceeding, abundantly above all we can ask or even think.” Many times He used you, too, through your prayers, encouraging notes and generous support.

What WONDROUS love is this?

Since this is our fifth relocation among four countries in five years as field directors, you would think we were veterans at this kind of thing. However, moves and their unknowns still bring us stress. They cause us to spend more time on our knees, trusting God to provide and leaning heavily upon Him to carry us through.

What wondrous LOVE is this?

Daily we have been enveloped by the loving arms of the Lord as we wobbled through each unknown step. We marveled how He stooped so low to succor us, providing even for the smallest details in many situations while miraculously leading us through the largest obstacle of purchasing our conversion van home on wheels.

What wondrous love IS this?

Seeing the hand of God in this move from start to finish has reaffirmed His will for us to have our home base “down under.” It also has continually shown us that there is no need for doubt when we are submitted to God. He may choose paths different from what we expect, but counting our past and present blessings allows us to trust Him with our future. Our hearts and voices rejoice in song:


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