Wise Sayings

One of the topics we are compiling for our culture-study scrapbook is called, “Cultural Beliefs and Old Adages.” If used correctly, some wise sayings can teach Biblical principles. Here are a few wise sayings of the Pnong.

“If you have land, you have life.”

“If a Raluung jar falls over and shatters, the elephant will slip and die.”

“If you work hard, you will have your fill. If you are lazy, you will be hungry.”

“The bananas fell off the tree and killed the dog. The man ate the dog, so now he is sick.”

“A man peed on a rock where a spirit lived. He died.”

“The hornbill lays two eggs. Sometimes a snake with black and white stripes hatches from one egg. As it moves through the jungle, everything near it dies. If you cross the snake’s path, you will get very sick and might die.”

By the time you read this article, our culture-study scrapbook will be complete, and we will be in the middle of Phase 2 Training (P2T). Please pray for us as we work with the AFM training team to understand the Pnong better and develop an evangelism strategy. —Daniel and Cara Greenfield

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