You Won the Lottery

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Congratulations! You won the lottery. No, not that lottery; I trust you do not gamble. If you are reading this magazine, you have in all likelihood won the birth and belief lottery. Permit me to explain.

There are approximately 7.4 billion people on this planet in the year of our Lord 2016. Of this number, about 1.2 billion—less than 17 percent—live in what would be considered a developed country. It is also reported that while an average of 280 people were born every minute this year, 109 others went to the grave every minute, most without the knowledge of Christ. Sadly, on average, 10 children died every minute of every day this year.

This magazine goes out primarily to Seventh-day Adventist Christians who live in North America. This means that, if you are reading this magazine, you most likely are a resident of the USA or Canada. Congratulations! You live in two of the most developed countries in the world. Also, since you are reading Adventist Frontiers, you are probably a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. Double congratulations! You represent less than 0.2 percent of the global population.

You are part of a “remnant” movement that was raised up by God to boldly proclaim the everlasting gospel in the context of the Three Angels’ Messages. You have been given more light about eternal realities than any people in the history of the planet. You are called to share that light.

Beloved friend, please think about what you just read and pray about what God would have you to do. You did not win the lottery just so you could enjoy all the benefits, both material and spiritual, of living in a developed country and being part of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. You won because God chose you to be part of a movement! Go to those who do not know and won’t know unless someone like you goes cross-culturally to share the love of Jesus and the Three Angels’ Messages. Congratulations on winning an infinite treasure. Now go and share it!

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